Introduction to VBScripting

Overview of VB Script

VBScript is a Microsoft scripting language.It is the default scripting language in ASP.
VBScript is a scripting language is a lightweight programming language.
It  is a light version of Microsoft’s programming language Visual Basic
It is only supported by Microsoft’s browsers (Internet Explorer)
It uses the Component Object Model to access elements of the environment

VB Scripting Syntax and Guidelines

VBScript is used to develop scripts to perform both simple and complex object-based tasks
The following general VBScript syntax rules and guidelines:

  • Case-sensitivity – VBScript is not case sensitive by default .
    For example :
    The two statements are identical in VBScript.
    Browser(“Mercury”).Page(“Find a Flight:”).WebList(“toDay”).Select “31”
    browser(“mercury”).page(“find a flight:”).weblist(“today”).select “31”
  • Text strings – When you enter a value as a text string, you must add quotation marks before and after the string.
  • Variables – Used to store strings, integers, arrays and objects .
  • Parentheses – To achieve the desired result and to avoid errors, we use parentheses () correctly in your statements.
  • Comments – Comments are added wherever possible, to make your scripts easier to understand and maintain.
  • Spaces – Spaces are ignored by VBScript and it improve clarity.

VB Script – Constants

A constant is a meaningful name that takes the place of a number or string and never changes. There are number of useful constants built-in Vbscript
The various categories of constants in VBScript.

  • Color Constants
  • Date and Time Constants
  • Date Format Constants
  • Miscellaneous Constants
  • MsgBox Constants
  • String Constants
  • Tristate Constants
  • VarType Constants

VB Script – Color Constants

Color Constants – Defines about the eight basic colors that can be used in scripting.

Constant Value Description
vbBlack &h00 Black
vbRed &hff Red
vbGreen &hff00 Green
vbYellow &hffff Yellow
vbBlue hff0000 Blue
vbMagen &hff00ff Magen
vbCyan &hffff00 Cyan
vbWhite &hffffff White


VB Script – Date and Time Constants

Date and Time : Defines about the date and time constants used by various date and time functions.

Constant Value Description
vbSunday 1 Sunday
vbMonday 2 Monday
vbTuesday 3 Tuesday
vbWednesday 4 Wednesday
vbThursday 5 Thursday
vbFriday 6 Friday
vbSaturday 7 Saturday


VB Script – Date Format Constants


Constant Value Explanation
vbGeneralDate 0 Display a date and/or time. Date and time display is determined by system settings.
vbLongDate 1 Display a date using the long date format as per computer settings.
vbShortDate 2 Display a date using the short date format as per computer’s regional settings.
vbLongTime 3 Display a time using the long time format as per computer settings.
vbShortTime 4 Display a time using the short time format as per computer’s regional settings.

VB Script – Errors

The Error that occur during the execution are classified into :

  • VB Script runtime errors
  • VB Script syntax errors

VB Script – Runtime Error

Runtime error – Unexpected errors that causes hindrance during  the execution of scripts
VB Script

VB Script – Syntax errors

Syntax error – The error that results when the structure of one of your VBScript statements violates one or more of the grammatical rules of the VBScript scripting language.
VB Script

VB Script – Functions

VB Script supports some well/pre defined functions for easy manipulations.Below pointers are some of the important functions.
VB Script

VB Script – Keywords

Function Value Return Example
Empty Used to indicate an uninitialized variable value.
A variable value is uninitialized when it is first created and no value is assigned to it,
or when a variable value is explicitly set to empty.
Dim Captain , Captain=“Dhoni”, Captain=Empty
Nothing Used to indicate an uninitialized object value,
or to disassociate an object variable from an object to release the system resources
Set ExcelOb=CreateObject(“Excel.Application”) ,
Set ExcelOb=Nothing.
Null Used to indicate that  the variable
has no data.
x = Null , x contains no valid data

VB Script – Methods

Function Value Return Example
Clear Clears all the existing property values for the “err”. Object.clear, On error resume next ; err.raise=6 ; err.clear ; msgbox err.number will return 0.
Replace Method Replaces the text found in an regular expression search. object.Replace(string1, string2) , Example : ReplaceTest = regEx.Replace(str1, replStr)
Execute Executes a regular expression search against a string. object.Execute(Str) -,
Example : Var1 = 1,Var2 = 2;Execute(“Var1 = Var2 + 3”)
Response.Write (Var1) will print 5.

VB Script – Operators

VBScript’s operators can be separated into four semi-distinct categories.
Math Operators

Operator English Example Result
+ Addition 1+1 2
Subtraction 2-1 1
* Multiplication 4*4 16
/ Division 4/2 2
^ Exponent 2^3 8
mod Modulus 4 mod 3 1

Comparison Operators

Operator English Example Result
= Equal to 10=11 False
> Greater than 10>9 True
< Lesser than 9<8 False
>= Greater than or equal to 4>=2 True
<= Lesser than or equal to 2<=3 True
<> Not equal to 4 <> 3 False

String Operators

Operator English Example Result
& Connected to “Treno”&”vision” Trenovision

Logical Operators

Operator English Example Result
AND Both must be true True and True True
OR Either on must be true True and False True
NOT Inverse of Truth Not False True

VB Script – Statements (Looping)

Looping statements are used to run the same block of code a specified number of times.

Function Value Return Example
For…Next statement Use the For…Next statement to run a block of code a specified number of times For i=0 to 2
msgbox “Wipro”
End For ‘ will print Wipro three times.
For Each…Next Loop A For Each…Next loop repeats a block of code for each item in a collection, or for each element of an array. Cars=array(“Mercedez”,”Jaguar”)
For each y in cars
msgbox y
Next ‘ Will print Mercedez and then Jaguar.
Do…Loop statement The Do…Loop statement repeats a block of code while a condition is true,
or until a condition becomes true.
Do While i>5
‘some code
Loop ‘ If i=4 , it will never get executed , if i=7 it will get executed until the ‘some code’ part return a value less than 5
While…Wend statement Executes a series of statements as long as a
given condition is True.
i=4 ,While i<5
msgbox “printed”
Wend ‘ will print “printed” once in a message box.

VB Script – Conditional Statements

Conditional statements are used to perform different actions for different decisions.In VBScript we have four conditional statements:

Function Value Return Example
If statement executes a set of code when a condition is true Dim Cricketer , Cricketer=“Dhoni”
If Cricketer=“Dhoni” Then
msgbox “Top Ranking Player”
End if.
If…Then…Else statement Select one of two sets of lines to execute Dim Mark , Mark=“50”
If Mark>=“50” Then
Msgbox “Pass”
msgbox “fail”
end if
If…Then…ElseIf statement select one of many sets of lines to execute Dim State , State=“Pass”
If State=“Pass” Then
msgbox “1”
ElseIf  State=“Fail” Then
msgbox “0”
msgbox “The entered state is other than Pass or Fail”
End If
Select Case statement select one of many sets of lines to execute Dim MonthInt, MonthInt=2
Select Case(
Case “1”
msgbox “January”
Case “2”
msgbox “February”
Case else
msgbox “Enter either 1 or 2”
End Select

For Reference