Computer Graphic | Questions and Answers

Computer Graphic | Mock Test

Question 1
The orthographic parallel projection, projection lines are ____ to each other.
Select one:
a. Any of the above
b. Inclined
c. Parallel
d. Perpendicular

The correct answer is: Parallel

Question 2
The following is not a principal view.
Select one:
a. Side
b. Top
c. Bottom
d. Auxiliary
The correct answer is: Auxiliary

Question 3
A Depth Buffer algorithm is not an _______ hidden surface removal algorithm
Select one:
a. object-space
b. Both
c. Image space
d. None
The correct answer is: Image space

Question 4
In the Painter’s Algorithm, objects are ordered back-to-front and then rendered in that order
Select one:
a. False
b. True
The correct answer is: True

Question 5
All the following hidden surface algorithms employ image space approach except
Select one:
a. Scan line method
b. Depth buffer method
c. Back face removal
d. Depth sort method
The correct answer is: Back face removal