Essbase Beginner Quiz

Essbase Beginner Quiz


Essbase Quiz contain set of 100 MCQ questions for Essbase MCQ which will help you to clear beginner level quiz.

1) What is difference between ^ and ~ with respect to consolidation operators in BSO

  1. ^ allows members to consolidate across same dimension
  2. ~ allows to ignore during consolidation


  1. ^ allows members not to consolidate across same dimension
  2. ~ allows members to consolidate acorss any dimension


  1. ^ allows members not to consolidate across any dimension
  2. ~ allows memebrs to consolidate across same dimension


  1. ^ allows members not to consolidate across any dimension
  2. ~ allows members to consolidate across any dimension except its own dimension

Answer : D

2) Fundamental difference between UDA and Attributes are

  1. UDA form cross tab reports while attribute don’t
  2. Attribute dimensions form cross tab reports while UDA don’t
  3. Both can be used for cross tab reporting, but tagging UDA is simple than creating attribute dimension
  4. Attribute dimension improves performance, while UDA affects performance

Answer : B

3) What does never share tagging indicates on parent member ?

  1. That member cannot be shared in same hierarchy
  2. Blocks will be formed for that member if that member is sparse dimension with data
  3. If the child has data, parent automatically has data
  4. Never share has to tagged at child level to avoid implicit sharing

Answer : B

4) If you copy the .otl file across two applications from backend, what is the most important activity that should be done before copying

  1. Both the applications must be in loaded state
  2. Source application should be in loaded state, while target application should be unloaded
  3. Target application should be in loaded state while source application should be unloaded
  4. Both the application should be in unloaded state

Answer : D

5) In Administration Services Console, which of the following dimension build options control whether the value in the data source property field is applied to the associated member:
1.Allow property changes
2.Allow formula changes
3.Allow UDA changes

  1. Only 1
  2. 1 & 2
  3. 2 & 3
  4. 1,2 & 3

Answer : D

6) Which statement is true regarding GEN build method

  1. GEN numbers must form a discrete range
  2. Group GEN Field sequentially within dimension
  3. IF GEN 2 and 4 exists, then GEN3 should also exists
  4. B & C

Answer : D

7) If the source file has information about 7 dimensions while target database has 9 dimensions, how extra dimensions will be mapped

  1. Using another rule file
  2. Source has to be modified to provide information of all 9 dimensions
  3. Map two extra dimensions to header in rule file
  4. Data cannot be loaded in given scenario using rule file. ETL Tool is must here

Answer : C

8) What is deferred restructure dimension build in Essbase BSO

  1. Read the data source and commit it to database
  2. Read the data source and keep in buffer. Commit all at once
  3. Delay restructing of database until all the data sources are processed
  4. Keep restructing database as and when every source is processed

Answer : C

9) Limitation of @CURRMBR is

  1. It cannot be used in right hand side of equation
  2. It cannot be used in left hand side of equation
  3. You can use in FIX statement but not in calc member block
  4. @CURRMBR should be used in conjuction with @CURRMBRRANGE

Answer : B

10) What does ! Sign indicates in report script

  1. Produce output
  2. Marks termination of report script
  3. Tells compiler that further report script could follow
  4. ! Mark tells compiler that all the code above ! Should only be compiled

Answer : A

11) Which reports are generally faster using report scripts

  1. Symmetric Reports
  2. Asymmetric Reports
  3. Reports with <UDA
  4. Reports with <LINK

Answer : A

12) Location of which tablespaces cannot be changed

  1. Log & Default
  2. Default & Metadata
  3. Metadata & Log
  4. Default, Log, Metadata and Temp

Answer : C

13) One of the Design Principles of ASO is

  1. To have more stored hierarchies and less dynamic hierarchies
  2. Atleast one hierarchy should be multiple enabled, rest all stored
  3. Good balance of stored and dynamic hierarchy
  4. Stored hierarchies should be place before dynamic hierarchy

Answer : A

14) Which of the Clear process is normally faster in ASO

  1. Physical Clear
  2. Logical Clear
  3. Depends on the intersection that is being cleared
  4. Both Physical and Logical clear are same in terms of performance only the way they clear is different

Answer : B

15) ASO loads large data files using

  1. Caches
  2. Buffer
  3. Aggregate Caches
  4. Direct Import Statements using MaxL

Answer : B

16) Cross dimensional operator of BSO can be denoted in MDX using

  1. .
  2. {}
  3. ,
  4. []

Answer : C

17) Two pass calculation is achieved in ASO using

  1. Tagging Two Pass
  2. Solve Order
  3. Writing Custom defined MDX
  4. Writing additional member formula at parent levels

Answer : B

18) Limitation of ASO regarding data export is

  1. Columnar export is not possible in ASO
  2. Only Level-0 export is possible
  3. Report script can be executed on ASO
  4. Both A & B

Answer : D

19) Which database will you prefer to provide real time reporting solutions that require aggregation on huge hierarchies

  1. BSO
  2. ASO
  3. Both can be used with little tweaking
  4. BSO cube with huge hierarchies.

Answer : B

20) Which statement is true about MaxL and MDX

  1. Maxl is data definition language while MDX is data manipulation language
  2. Maxl is data manipulation language while MDX is data definition language
  3. Maxl is data control language and MDX is data manipulation langugage
  4. MDX is data control language while MaxL is data manipulation langugage

Answer : A

21) Alter application load database statement will fail if

  1. User doesn’t have atleast database manager access
  2. User doesn’t have atleast write access to database
  3. User doesn’t have atleast read access to database
  4. User doesn’t have atleast application manager access to database

Answer : C

22) In MaxL, what does refresh outline does

  1. It syncs the outline from relational tables to otl file
  2. It automatically copies outline to all database within same application
  3. It syncs outline between partitioned databases
  4. It syncs outline from source database to target database in transparent Partition

Answer : C

23) Can substitution variables be used in partition definition ?

  1. You can use sub vars in partition definition
  2. Essbase is unable to resolve sub vars in partition definition
  3. You cannot use sub vars in partition, Maxl will issue warning
  4. You cannot use sub vars in partition, Maxl will issue Error

Answer : A

24) Block size is calculated by the following formula.
A. Number of stored spase dimension members multiplied together times 8 bytes
B. Number of total spase dimension members multiplied together times 8 bytes
C. Number of dense spase dimension members multiplied together times 8 bytes
D. Number of total dense dimension members multiplied together times 8 bytes

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Answer : D

25) What is the extension for the file containing data for ASO applications?

  1. .pag
  2. .dat
  3. .txt
  4. .aso
  5. .fil


  1. A
  2. E
  3. B
  4. C

Answer : B

26) Given the following, what is the block size in bytes? Measures (Dense): 40 stored members, 50 total members Time (Dense): 17 stored members, 17 total members Scenario ((Dense): 2 stored members, 5 total members Market (Sparse): 100 stored members, 100 tot

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Answer : B

27) Which four are the directories used for aggregate storage databases?

  1. Default
  2. Log
  3. Metadata
  4. Data
  5. Bin
  6. Temp


  1. ABCF
  2. ABCD
  3. BCEF
  4. CDEF

Answer : A

28) Which three are Essbase components?

  1. Essbase server
  2. Administration services
  3. C API
  4. Web Analysis
  5. Financial reporting


  1. ABC
  2. ADE
  3. CDE
  4. ACE

Answer : A

29) Where are the ASO data files managed?

  1. Page files
  2. Index files
  3. Tablespaces
  4. Bin files


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Answer : C

30) The following two members would be optimally tagged Label Only.

  1. “Profit”
  2. “Ratios”
  3. “Scenario”
  4. “Q1”
  5. “January”


  1. A&B
  2. B&C
  3. C&D
  4. D&E

Answer : B

31) Which files will get restructured in a full BSO restructure?

  1. Data file only
  2. Index file only
  3. Data and index file
  4. No file


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

Answer : C

32) What are five reasons to use Attributes over a Shared Members dimension?

  1. To create crosstab reports
  2. To describe a dense dimension
  3. To describe a sparse dimension
  4. To perform comparisons based on certain type of data
  5. To perform calculatio


  1. ACDEF
  2. ABCEF
  3. ABDEF
  4. BCDEF

Answer : A

33) What 4 can be exported from LCM –

  1. Dimension
  2. Outline
  3. Calc script
  4. Rule file
  5. MaxL


  1. BCDE
  2. ABCD
  3. ACDE
  4. ABDE

Answer : B

34) What is the role of Provider Services ?

  1. Communicate between Essbase and Planning
  2. Communicate between Essbase and Excel
  3. Communicate between Essbase and Word
  4. Communicate between Essbase and Microsoft Office Tools

Answer : D

35) How does UDA impact the DB size in Essbase ?

  1. They increase the block density
  2. They increase the outline size to huge extent
  3. They would not have any impact
  4. They have marginal impact on calculation performance

Answer : C

36) Is it possible to create two dimensions using single rule file

  1. Two dimensions can be created using single rule file
  2. Two dimensions cannot be created using single rule file
  3. It is recommended practice to create multiple dimensions in single rule file for ease of maintenance
  4. Not Possible to achieve this using Essbase. Hyperion Planning allows to do this.

Answer : A

37) What are different types of attributes?

  1. User Defined Attributes
  2. Complex Attributes
  3. Varying Attributes
  4. A & C

Answer : D

38) Which dimensions will always be present in Currency Database ?

  1. Dimension tagged as Time
  2. Dimension tagged as Currency
  3. Dimension tagged as Accounts


  1. Dimension tagged as Time
  2. Dimension tagged as Country
  3. Dimension tagged as Accounts


  1. Dimension tagged as Country
  2. Dimension tagged as Currency
  3. Dimension tagged as Accounts


  1. Dimension tagged as Time
  2. Dimension tagged as Currency
  3. Dimension tagged as Country

Answer : B

39) What is true ?

  1. Expense Reporting is Budget – Actual
  2. Non Expense Reporting is Budget – Actual
  3. Non – Expense Reporting is Actual – Budget
  4. A & C

Answer : D

40) Can UDAs be applied to Dense Dimension members tagged with Accounts property ?

  1. UDA can be applied to Dense dimensions
  2. UDA can be applied to only sparse dimensions
  3. UDA can be applied to all dense dimension except the ones tagged with Time property
  4. UDA cannot be applied to dense or sparse dimensions. They can be used in calculation and reporting only

Answer : A

41) Can you convert the converted currency back to local currency in currency application ?

  1. Both way currency conversion is possible in currency application
  2. Only local currency to base currency is possible
  3. Only base currency to local currency is possible
  4. Transaction currency to local and base currency is not possible

Answer : A

42) Can you schedule Maxl Scripts using windows .bat file ?

  1. MaxL scripts can be scheduled using .bat file
  2. Maxl Scripts can be scheduled using shell scripts only
  3. Maxl scripts can be scheduled using third party scheduler only in windows
  4. MaxL scripts needs windows schedular only to be scheduled

Answer : A

43) Which partition is used to reduce the disk space ?

  1. Replicated
  2. Transparent
  3. Linked
  4. B & C

Answer : D

44) Which Partition is easier to recover ?

  1. Replicated
  2. Transparent
  3. Linked
  4. B & C

Answer : A

45) If the source file has information about list of new members, which build method is useful ?

  1. Generation Reference
  2. Level Reference
  3. Parent Child references
  4. Add as a child to specified parent

Answer : D

46) What is the difference between @PRIOR and @PRIORS ?

  1. Additional S stands for Shared members
  2. Additional S Stands for Skip Missing
  3. Additional S Stands for Skip Zero
  4. Additional S Stands for Skip Missing, Zero or Both

Answer : D

47) What is the difference between @DESCENDANTS and @RDESCENDANTS ?

  1. Additional R stands for Robust
  2. Additional R stands for Skip Missing
  3. Additional R stands for Shared Member
  4. Additional R stands for Skip Missing, Zero or Both

Answer : C

48) MDX is valid for which databases

  1. Transactional Systems
  2. BSO
  3. ASO
  4. BSO and ASO

Answer : D

49) Metadata filtering is achieved using which type of filter

  1. None
  2. Read
  3. Write
  4. Metaread

Answer : D

50) For which Essbase permissions, filters don’t affect ?

  1. Application Manager
  2. Administrator
  3. Database Manager
  4. Database Designer

Answer : B

51) One of the limitations of Security Filter is ?

  1. They are complex to create and implement
  2. They affect normally large number of users and groups. Difficult to maintain
  3. Calculation scripts don’t obey user/group level security filter
  4. Security filter in native mode is complex than in Shared Security mode

Answer : C

52) How many children of shared members are possible ?

  1. 1
  2. 0
  3. 2
  4. Atleast 1

Answer : B

53) How many dimensions in the outline you can tag as Accounts ?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. Atleast 1

Answer : B

54) What is the extention of export file of alias table ?

  1. .alr
  2. .alt
  3. .at
  4. .al

Answer : B

55) Are duplicate member names allowed in outline ?

  1. No, each member name should be unique
  2. Each member and Alias name should be unique
  3. They are allowed in any Essbase cube
  4. They are allowed only when duplicate member option is enabled

Answer : D

56) Which date time calendar is provided by ASO

  1. Fiscal
  2. Production
  3. ISO 9001
  4. Custom

Answer : A

57) SET CACHE HIGH affects which CACHE


Answer : C

58) What is Hybrid Analysis

  1. Lower level members and higher level members remain in multidimensional database
  2. Lower level members and higher level members remain in relational database
  3. Lower level members remain in multidimensional database and higher level members remain in relational database
  4. Lower level members remain in relational database and higher level members remain in multidimensional database

Answer : D

59) What is data file cache ?

  1. A buffer in memory that holds compressed .pag files
  2. A buffer that holds compressed blocks
  3. A buffer that holds uncompressed .pag data files
  4. A buffer that holds uncompressed data blocks

Answer : A

60) while loading the data using rule file, if selection and rejection criteria are applied to the same record, what will be outcome

  1. Record will be selected
  2. Record will be rejected
  3. Record will be selected but will result in erroneous totals
  4. Record will be rejected and all subsequent records after that will not be loaded

Answer : B

61) Similar operation of FIX command in member formula can be achieved using

  2. @ISMBR

Answer : B

62) How can expenses be loaded as negative value in ASO using rule files

  1. Keep the consolidation property as -ve in stored hierarchy
  2. Use sign flip feature on UDA
  3. Make ASO hierarchy as Dynamic and use -ve Sign as consolidation. Rule file settings may remain same
  4. Scale value by -1 in rule file for Account dimension to load expense

Answer : B

63) Which of the following statement is false

  1. .ENDEXCLUDE can be used in FIX command and not in member formula
  2. EXCLUDE can contain DATACOPY Command
  3. NOT Operators are not supported in EXCLUDE
  4. ENDEXCLUDE should not have semicolon

Answer : B

64) Which Methods are available in MDALLOCATE function ?

  1. Percentile
  2. Add & Substract
  3. Share & Spread
  4. B & C

Answer : D

65) <LINK command is used for

  1. Passes output of one command to another
  2. Combines the extraction arguments of commands
  3. Links the output of one command to another
  4. Combines output of individual commands

Answer : B

66) What does ? Indicates in MATCH function of report script

  1. ? Indicates search of any number of characters
  2. ? Indicates search of first character only
  3. ? Substitutes one occurrence of any charcter
  4. ? Must be eclosed in “” to perform a pattern search

Answer : C

67) What is the correct order of outline structuring in BSO

  1. Dense Dimensions
  2. Sparse Dimensions
  3. Aggregaring Sparse Dimensions
  4. Non-Aggregating Sparse Dimension
  5. Attribute Dimensions
  6. Account Dimension
  7. Time Dimension


  1. 1,2,5
  2. 1,3,4,5
  3. 6,7,1,2,5
  4. 6,7,1,3,4,5

Answer : D

68) What is the sequence of dimension columns in text file for efficient data loading using rule file

  1. Most Sparse dimension to Most Dense Dimension
  2. Most Sparse dimension to Least Dense Dimension
  3. Most Dense to Most Sparse Dimension
  4. Most Sparse to Most Dense dimension, but smallest dimension pivot to columns

Answer : D

69) What does query hint (Jan,*,*,*,*)

  1. Frequent queries to bottom of time dimension
  2. Frequent queries on rest of dimension other than time
  3. Both A&B
  4. Frequent queries on all dimensions including time

Answer : A

70) Using MaxL, what will happen when you export security file to a data file

  1. Contents of .sec file is written to .dat file
  2. Contents of .sec file is written to .txt file
  3. Contents of .sec file is written to .csv file
  4. Contents of .sec file is written to any format specified as parameter to MaxL statement

Answer : B

71) Keyword ALL in UNION expression of MDX will

  1. Remove the duplicates
  2. Retains all record from one set and not from another
  3. Removes duplicates
  4. Allows expression to be used with non-identical signature

Answer : C

72) For drill down features from source to target cells, which is ideal partition to be used

  1. Transparent
  2. Replicated
  3. Linked
  4. Don’t partition

Answer : C

73) Identify the two true statements about block density for a Block Storage (BSO) database.

  1. Block density is the percentage of blocks that exist compared to the total number of blocks.
  2. Block density is the percentage of data that exists within a bloc
  3. BC
  4. AB
  5. CD
  6. AD

Answer : A


74) Suppose I have a dimension A with members B and C and I do not want B and C to roll up to A. how can I do this ?

  1. Use ^ Operator
  2. Use ~ Operator
  3. Use + Operator
  4. Use + Operator for B and ~ for C

Answer : B

75) Suppose we have assigned Generation 2 and Generation 4 as of now and think of adding generation 3 later some time. Can we build the dimension ?

  1. You can build the dimension
  2. You cannot build the dimension
  3. You can build the dimension but it is not the recommended practice
  4. You can build in Hyperion Planning. Not possible in Essbase

Answer : B

76) How do you measure fragmentation

  1. Average Cluster Ratio
  2. Average Defragmentation Ratio
  3. Solve Order
  4. Average Fragmentation Cluster Quotient

Answer : A

77) If you manually initiate the DB restructure, it will be called as

  1. Outline restructure
  2. Implicit Restructure
  3. Explicit Restructure
  4. Dense Restructure

Answer : C

78) What are two types of Isolation levels in BSO ?

  1. Committed Access and Non-committed Access
  2. Committed Access and Un-committed Access
  3. Uncommitted and Non-committed Access
  4. Force committed and Committed Access

Answer : B

79) What will happen if all the dimensions become sparse ?

  1. There result in single data block
  2. There result in 2^52 data blocks
  3. All the member combination will become blocks
  4. Essbase doesn’t allow to tag all dimension as sparse, atleast one has to be dense

Answer : C

80) What is .EQD files ?

  1. FR Reports
  2. Essbase Spreadsheet add-in files
  3. Essbase Smartview data files
  4. Spreadsheet Query Designer files

Answer : D

81) Can you specify custom field separator in rule file ?

  1. Custom delimiter can be applied
  2. Only Tabs are allowed
  3. Comma and Spaces are only allowed as delimiter
  4. All custom delimiter are allowed except | and ~

Answer : A

82) In which case the replicated partitioning is not possible

  1. Source :- BSO, Target :- BSO
  2. Source :- BSO, Target :- ASO
  3. Source :- ASO, Target :- ASO
  4. A & B

Answer : C

83) When will you use Serial Calculation method ?

  1. If you have 2 dual core processor
  2. If you have single processor
  3. If you can do multithreading
  4. If you are on scalable distributed systems

Answer : B

84) What is the benefit of using WITH set member in MDX

  1. Reusability of code, Performance Improvement
  2. Improves Performance, Less coding effort
  3. Can be used in Member formulas of ASO
  4. Both A & B

Answer : D

85) Function Aggregate in MDX expression will

  1. Aggregate specified dimension
  2. Aggregate account members
  3. Aggregates account members on its time balance behaviour
  4. This is same as Sum() in any other programming language

Answer : C

86) If you are using time balance properties of ASO, the best hierarchy to be used is

  1. Stored
  2. Dynamic
  3. Multiple Hierarchy Enabled with all stored hierarchies within it
  4. Multiple Hierarchy Enabled with all Dynamic hierarchies

Answer : B

87) If you are using @CURRMBR in calculation function what is the default essbase behaviour of calculation mode

  1. Block
  2. Cell
  3. Top Down
  4. Bottom Up

Answer : B

88) @UDA is which type of calculation function

  1. Member set function
  2. Boolean Function
  3. Mathematical Function
  4. Relationship based Function

Answer : A

89) @MOVSUM is which type of calculation function

  1. Member set function
  2. Boolean Function
  3. Mathematical Function
  4. Forecasting Functions

Answer : D

90) Can filter access be given based on Substitution Variables and Attribute Functions ?

  1. Yes Both can used in Filter definition
  2. Only Subvars can be used
  3. Only Attribute funcitons can be used
  4. Both of them cannot be used. Filter definition doesn’t accept this

Answer : A

91) CALCTASKDIMS is the .cfg setting that should be carefully used in conjuction with


Answer : A

92) <Sym
<Column (Scenario, Year)
Actual Budget
Jan Dec
<Row (Market, Product)
<Ichildren Market
<Ichildren Product
<Restrict (@DataCol(3) < $300.00 )
In the above report script, which column is restricted for value less than $300.00

  1. Actual and Jan
  2. Budget and Dec
  3. Actual and Dec
  4. Budget and Jan

Answer : D

93) <SUDA is used for

  1. Returns parent members with tagged UDA
  2. Returns only alternate hierarchy members with tagged UDA
  3. Returns all instances of members where UDA is tagged
  4. Returns attributes associated with shared members

Answer : C

94) If the hierarchy of database has period dimension from Jan to Dec, the what does @Xrange(Dec, Mar) will return

  1. Dec, Jan, Feb,Mar
  2. Dec
  3. Jan, Feb, Mar
  4. Empty set

Answer : D

95) PeriodsToDate([Year].Generations(1), [May]) is equivalent to

  1. QTD([May])
  2. HTD ({May})
  3. HTD ([May])
  4. QTD ({May})

Answer : C

96) Intersect in MDX is

  1. Pure set function
  2. Metadata based set function
  3. Data based set function
  4. Security based set function

Answer : A

97) What does direction single indicates in partition definition ?

  1. Only source host name needs to be changed
  2. Only Target host name needs to be changed
  3. Any one of the source or target needs to be changed
  4. Both source and target host name needs to be changed, but one after another

Answer : B

98) Which Setting is important when you cancel essbase calculation ?

  1. Data Cache Settings
  2. Index Cache Settings
  3. Isolation Level Settings
  4. Calculator Cache Settings

Answer : C

99) In order to enable parallel data load facility, which .cfg setting should be used


Answer : B

100) In Currency application of Essbase BSO, how can you clear the internal exchange table ?

  1. Using CCONV Command

Answer : D