Oracle Architecture Quiz

Linux Quiz


Oracle Architecture Quiz contain set of 10 MCQ questions for Oracle Architecture MCQ which will help you to clear beginner level quiz.

1.      Where is the data dictionary kept?

  1. Stack Space
  2. SYSTEM tablespace
  3. Data file
  4. None

2.  Which of the following segment is destroyed when the SQL statement is finished?

  1. Data Segment
  2. Temp segment
  3. Object segment
  4. Temporary segment

3.  Which of the following is the most probable use of an extent?

  1. None
  2. Stores rollback information used when data must be rolled back
  3. Minimize the amount of wasted (empty) storage
  4. Stores user data within the database

4.  Oracle automatically creates the SYSTEM tablespace.

  1. False
  2. True

5.  Identify, which of the following below are types of segments?

  1. Data Segment
  2. Object segment
  3. All
  4. Permanent segment

6. What do the schema objects comprise of?

  1. Index
  2. Cluster
  3. All
  4. Table

7. Can there be more than one datafile per tablespace?

  1. Yes
  2. No

8.  Which area of PGA stores binding variables and runtime buffers information?

  1. SQL area
  2. Session area
  3. Stack space
  4. Private SQL area

9. Which processes is an instance made of?

  1. Oracle background processes
  2. None
  3. Data processes
  4. Memory processes

10.  The basic memory structures associated with Oracle are the System Global Area (SGA) and the Program Global Area (PGA).

  1. False
  2. True